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The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Elizabeth

  • Our Lady of Swan Valley MIssion 201 East Beck Road Condon, MT (map)

Presented by Fr. Elias Mary Mills, FI

A Franciscan Friar of the Immaculate, Marian Friary of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Griswold, Connecticut

Ave Maria!    Who am I that the Mother of My Lord should come unto me?  These profound words of St. Elizabeth have resounded throughout the centuries from the first moment Our Lady’s greeting sounded in her ears.  In this retreat Father Elias will unpack the great mysteries underlying this moment at the very beginning of the Salvation of the human race.  We will learn more about the Redeemer in the womb and our Mother Co-redemptrix.  Ave Maria!          

CLICK ON IMAGE for printable agenda with full details.