Presented by: Father Elias Mary Mills, FI, Franciscan of the Immaculate, Our Lady of Guadalupe Friary, Griswold CT
When he consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pope Pius XII, called Our Lady "the victor in all the battles of God." In this conference you will learn why the Blessed Mother is God’s weapon against the evils of the day and why we must be under her orders. We will also talk about what it means to be a militant and why Mary is the most perfect of all militants. Mary forms us as soldiers in her army and shows us how to go to battle to win the day for Christ Jesus. With her, we can be victorious in all of life’s challenges, the personal, the cultural, the Spiritual. We can be confident of the incredible victory that is ours through the Blessed Mother.
NOTE: Friday, Solemnity of the Annunciation, will be held at The Sycamore Tree
Saturday Conference will be held at Our Lady of Swan Valley Mission
CLICK ON IMAGE for printable agenda with full details.